
  • Billy Nanggala Putra English Education

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Elements of Ghotic Genre, Genre Studies.


In this research, the researchers discusses short stories by Irving’s, entitled The legend of Sleepy Hollow. It is aimed to identify elements of Ghotic Genre seen in Irving’s The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. This results focuses on the whole of the story and the elements of Ghotic genre inside the story. The data obtained trough exploring some dialogue, narrations, and events in the short stories are correlated with genre studies. The theory applied by the researchers in this research is  the theory of genre studies.     The results of this analysis present the analyzed data inside the short story. The analysis is also supported by extended significant explanation beside the data itself. As the result, the researchers found elements of gothic can be found in all the short story. And  the elements of gothic can be seen from the setting, romance as addition elements of gothic in America, athmosphere, emotion, and supranatural


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