
  • Nasiatul Muawiyah English Education

Kata Kunci:

African-American, Genetic Structuralism, Social Conditions.


Go Set a Watchman is a novel written by Harper Lee which becomes the object of this research. The purpose of this research are to analyze the images of African-American viewed by the White and explore the functional relationship between the story of the novel and the images with the historical backgrounds of African-American’s life, as well as to study the author background and the external condition in creating this novel. The approach used in this research is sociological approach and uses genetic structuralism as the theory which developed by Lucien Goldman. In addition, this research uses library research in order to find any information related to this research. Furthermore, descriptive qualitative method was utilized in analyzing the data. The main data were taken from the narration & dialogue in Go Set a Watchman novel. As the result, Go Set a Watchman novel is reflected the condition and the images of African-American people in white perspective. White people still underestimate African-American people as the lowest society. However, not all of white people treat African-American people cruelly.


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