A Psycholinguistic Instrument for Detecting Language Loss:The Project HALA


  • Putra Yusuf Khomar
  • Alvian
  • Bela Rizky Utami

Kata Kunci:

Dececting Language, Psycolinguistic


The lack of a simple psycholinguistic measure of language strength makes it difficult to diagnose language loss early on and evaluate efforts to maintain language.A body-part naming task being developed as part of the Hawai'i Assessment of Language Access (HALA) project is the subject of this paper.Like the other tasks in the HALA inventory, this one takes advantage of the fact that bilingual speakers' relative language strength can be sensitively measured by how quickly they access lexical items and structure-building operations in their two languages.In support of the central assumption underlying the HALA tests, we were able to establish a strong correlation between language strength and naming times even in highly fluent bilingual speakers in a pilot study with Korean-English bilinguals.This finding has practical implications for work on language loss, maintenance, and revitalization as well as for the larger study of language strength, which we discuss.


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