The Impact of Gesture in Retrieving Memory of English Education's Students


  • Ashya Isdanyo Septiara
  • Elihu Jemal
  • Suryono
  • Qomariatul Kurnia
  • Bela Rizky Utami

Kata Kunci:

Gesture, Memory, Retrieving


Humans can't communicate without language. Additionally, language is a set of sounds and words that people use to express their thoughts and emotions. Every word spoken conveys a message or conveys a meaning, which cannot be separated from language as a human communication tool. The hands and arms are just one of many expressive movements that can be used to convey ideas.Instead of seeing language and gestures as distinct entities, as is more commonly the case, it is ideal to view them as components of the same system. Before the authors begin the survey, it would be beneficial to highlight the differences between the various acts, which can all be referred to as gestures. A questionnaire was used as a qualitative descriptive approach by the researchers in this study. A qualitative study was conducted to investigate how gestures affect students at the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia in terms of memory retrieval.


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