Body Part Movement (Gesture) in Remembering (Recalling) Words


  • Dwi Rosela
  • Bela Rizky Utami

Kata Kunci:

gesture, body part movement, memory, remembering, speak


When people are asked to perform an action, they remember that action better than if they were asked to talk about the same action. But when someone speaks, they often perform a body part movement (gesture), thereby adding an action component to speaking. In this study, the question we asked was whether doing body part movement (gesture) while speaking was easier to remember a word or not. And which body parts are often used when trying to remember a word. We found that body part movement (gesture) during trying to recall a word resulted in better memory, even when the number of utterances produced during encoding was controlled. Performing a body part movement (gesture) during speech improves memory whether the speaker chooses to perform a body part movement (gesture) spontaneously or is instructed to give a body part movement (gesture). Thus, body part movement (gesture) during remembering appears to function like an action in facilitating memory.



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