
  • Rini Lestari English Education

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Obsessive Compulsive, Movie, Nim’s Island Movie.


In this research, the researcher discussed about Nim’s Island movie in one of the characters. Alexandra Rover is one of the characters in Nim’s Island movie. In this research, the researcher analyzed about obsessive compulsive disorder depicted in Nim’s Island movie. It told about someone who got the mental disorder. The researcher got interested in analyzing this movie because it offered such issue related to the mental disorder influencing someone’s personality. To support the researcher analysis, the researcher utilized an approach and some concepts. The approaches selected in this analysis are psychological approach and cinematography aspects. As long as the writes analysis movie, the data that  chosen in this analysis are camera angle, camera distance, lighting, sound, dialogue, sound effect, music or film score which described about obsessive compulsive disorder suffered by Alexandra Rover. In this research, library research was used to elaborate the ideas. Meanwhile, descriptive qualitative method was utilized in analyzing the data. The types of obsessive compulsive disorder are obsession, checking compulsion, cleaning compulsion, hoarding compulsion, ordering compulsion. Those became the main focus of the researcher in this analysis.


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