A Comparative Study Between Video-Sharing Social Networking Platform; Tik Tok vs. Likee


  • Siti To’ifah pendidikan bahasa inggris

Kata Kunci:

Video-Sharing, Social Networking Platform, TikTok, Likee, Students


The growth of the technological era has driven social media developers to compete in making social media for users’ entertainment needs such as TikTok and Likee. TikTok and Likee are video-sharing social networking platforms that were widely used especially by young people. Both applications had many attractive features in which can make videos more interesting and went viral. Thus, this study was conducted with the aim to determine the most preferred video-sharing social networking platform (TikTok Vs. Likee). 25 students of Academic Writing class of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia were sampled. Online questionnaire about students’ preference was distributed via WhatsApp application. Study found that TikTok was the most preferred video-sharing social networking platform in the form of features, design, and popularity among students.



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