
  • reza agustina putri pendidikan bahasa inggris

Kata Kunci:

Problem, Covid 19 virus, Economic crisis


The big problem experienced from almost all corners of the world today is about the case of covid 19 virus. The world has experienced an economic crisis twice called the global economic crisis and this time it happened again for the third time. This research aims to find out the impact of covid-19 on the indonesian economy currently this type of research is a type of data analysis, display data and verivikasi /conclusion of research to show the impact of Covid 19 on the indonesian economy. Especially the difficulty in finding jobs, difficult to meet the needs of daily life and also not having an income in meeting the needs for the daily and also many difficulties received from all sectors of the economy in all areas also feel the impact of Covid-19. This pandemic not only raises economic problem but also social problems because with the presence of COVID-19 death or death rates increase every day and people are given a limit to sosialize to prevent the spread of COVID-19.


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