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Kata Kunci:

Covid-19, Internet, Social media


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the usage of internet and social media by the people around the world. The internet and social media is no longer just satisfying item, especially since the pandemic. Various activities can be done virtually and become new habits that emerge as a form of human adaptability to the conditions of the world health crisis that occurred in the last eight months. Activities that used to be mainly done with physical contact are now more often done online. Even at the beginning of the pandemic, both teaching and learning activities, worship, shopping, and work from home (WFH) were mostly carried out from home. This has led to an increase in internet usage during times of the pandemic.


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Ambarwati, R., & Mandasari, B. (2021). Students’Motivation Toward the Use of Google Classroom in Learning English During Covid-19 Pandemic At Sma N 1 Sukoharjo. Journal of Arts and Education, 1(1), 10–18.

Aminatun, D., Ayu, M., & Muliyah, P. (2021). ICT Implementation during Covid-19 Pandemic: How Teachers Deal with a New Style of Teaching. The 1st International Conference on Language Linguistic Literature and Education (ICLLLE).

Anuar, N. I. M., Mohamad, S. R., Zulkiffli, W. F. W., Hashim, N. A. A. N., Abdullah, A. R., Rasdi, A. L. M., Hasan, H., Abdullah, T., Deraman, S. N. S., & Zainuddin, S. A. (2020). Impact Of Social Media Influencer On Instagram User Purchase Intention Towards The Fashion Products: The Perspectives Of Students. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 7(8), 2589–2598.

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